Technical specifications
RAM (total) : 4 / 12 / 36 Kb (0 or 1 ramcard of 8 or 32 Kb)
RAM available : 3,536 / 11,728 / 36,304 bytes
ROM : 32 Kb
CPU : VLSI Specific
Text screen : 2 lines of 32 characters
Graphic screen : No
Sound : Dual tone beep (high, low)
Size : 193 x 78 x 12 mm
Weight : 197 g. with batteries
Year :
Power : 2 CR-2032 + 1 CR-1220 lithium batteries
Memory :
RP-8 8 Kb
RP-33 32 Kb
Printer :
FP-40 Thermal technology, using the SB-44 or the FA-6 and the SB-43
FP-100 Four colors pens technology, using the FA-6
Storage :
FA-6 External tape recorder interface
I/O :
FA-6 RS-232 / Centronic interface